Company Detail

The Blandford Group Practice
The Blandford Group Practice
Type & Rate: Worker (A rating)

Company Information

The following information is from the internet, and we do not guarantee its accuracy.

**Company Register Number:**

White Cliff Mill Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7BH

**Incorporated on:**
May 29, 2019

**Business Scope:**
The Blandford Group Practice provides a range of healthcare services including general medical services, maternity and midwifery services, and other healthcare-related activities. The practice is involved in patient care, health consultations, and community health initiatives. They aim to offer comprehensive medical support to the local community, ensuring accessibility and quality healthcare for all registered patients.

Sponsorship license started at '2023-04-26 '
Please search for company information through the official website of Companies House, where you can find authentic information about the company's industry, registered address, date of establishment, and more.

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