Company Detail

Tremco CPG UK Limited
Tremco CPG UK Limited
Type & Rate: Worker (A rating)

Company Information

The following information is from the internet, and we do not guarantee its accuracy.

company register number: 00251311
address: Coupland Road, Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2 4HT, United Kingdom
Incorporated on: 10/10/1930
Business scope: The design and manufacture of construction chemicals for the concrete industry. The manufacture and supply of specialist products to the commercial, industrial, and public sectors of the building market. Tremco CPG is a manufacturer of roofing materials and services, construction sealants, glazing and gaskets, waterproofing systems, concrete admixtures, and other related products.

Sponsorship license started at '2023-04-26 '
Please search for company information through the official website of Companies House, where you can find authentic information about the company's industry, registered address, date of establishment, and more.

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