Company Detail

Wembley Specsavers Hearcare Limited
Wembley Specsavers Hearcare Limited
Type & Rate: Worker (A rating)

Company Information

The following information is from the internet, and we do not guarantee its accuracy.

company register number: 02936595

address: 72 High Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 7AF, England

Incorporated on: 8 June 1994

Business scope:
Wembley Specsavers Hearcare Limited primarily operates in the field of optometry and audiology services. The company provides eye care services, including eye tests, prescription glasses, and contact lenses. Additionally, it offers hearing care services such as hearing tests, hearing aids, and related accessories. The company is part of the larger Specsavers group, which is known for its network of opticians and audiologists providing healthcare services across the UK and other regions.

Sponsorship license started at '2023-04-26 '
Please search for company information through the official website of Companies House, where you can find authentic information about the company's industry, registered address, date of establishment, and more.

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