Company Detail

Type & Rate: Worker (A rating)

Company Information

The following information is from the internet, and we do not guarantee its accuracy.

**Company Register Number:** 12936185

Unit 5, 10-17 Sevenways Parade, Woodford Avenue, Gants Hill, Ilford, IG2 6JX

**Incorporated on:** 8 October 2020

**Business Scope:**
ZENITH LEATHER LTD is primarily engaged in the retail sale of leather goods in specialised stores. The company deals with various leather products, including but not limited to leather bags, accessories, and finished and unfinished decorative leather products. The business scope includes the import and export of leather goods, wholesale and retail distribution, and specialized craftsmanship in leather goods. The company aims to provide high-quality leather products to its customers, ensuring durability and style.

Sponsorship license started at '2023-04-26 '
Please search for company information through the official website of Companies House, where you can find authentic information about the company's industry, registered address, date of establishment, and more.

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